Fimlab has found multiple benefits from OneClinic Logistics system

OneClinic Logistics system was implemented successfully to Fimlab Labroatories approximately half a year ago. Finland’s largest healthcare laboratory company has been pleased with their new acquisition. The system has proved to be reliable and provided multiple benefits for Fimlab.

Fimlab’s financial manager Teija Vehmas believes that the most important thing with usage of OneClinic Logistics is that the laboratory company has got a unified system for its logistics and unified operating methods.

OneClinic Logistics offered one integrated entity that replaced the several different systems Fimlab was using prior. At the same time, manual work was reduced – Fimlab no longer needed to use notes and Excel sheets.

”We have achieved many different process benefits as all Fimlab units now operate in the same way. The process benefits can be seen in practice, for example, in the further improvement of the efficiency and quality of our operations,” Vehmas emphasizes.

Responsible solution

Vehmas points out that smooth and precise logistics is also responsible, as it reduces wastage and maintains security of supply by ensuring the necessary amount of supplies in the warehouses. There is now an even more accurate understanding of the turnover rate and value of stocks, as well as the balance and consumption of various supplies.

In addition, the processing of purchase invoices becomes more efficient thanks to the integration with the financial management system. Jani Säynäväjärvi, Fimlab’s logistics manager, says that, with a few exceptions, all 110 offices of the laboratory company across Finland use OneClinic Logistics. It concentrates Fimlab’s order-delivery chain and warehouse management into one system.

”The functionality of the system varies slightly depending on the nature of the workplace. For example, there are more functions in the five central laboratories than in the sampling points. From the user’s point of view, the most essential change to the previous one is that all orders are now made through one system,” he explains.

Hundreds of users, thousands of supplies

In total, OneClinic Logistics has about 350 users in Fimlab. The system covers thousands of supplies that the healthcare laboratory needs for sampling and diagnostics.

According to Säynäväjärvi, the system works flawlessly. There were a few challenges to overcome at the beginning, but that’s natural when a new system is widely adopted. Fimlab’s logistics expert Tuija Järvinen confirms that OneClinic Logistics receives praise from its daily users.

”We are told our customers especially like the system’s online store-like operating model and the mobile devices and automation that make it easier to order and receive goods,” she mentions.

Fimlab – Finland’s largest healthcare laboratory company

Fimlab is Finland’s largest healthcare laboratory company, which provides laboratory services as well as laboratory training and research in the welfare regions of Pirkanmaa, Kanta-Häme, Central Finland, Päijät-Häme and Ostrobothnia.

Fimlab’s main owners are the welfare regions of Pirkanmaa, Kanta-Häme, Central Finland, Päijät-Häme and Ostrobothnia. The company has more than 110 offices and two million Finns as customers.

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