OneClinic's recreation day gives a boost for future projects

After a busy winter, OneClinic’s personnel enjoyed a well-earned recreation day with the company.

OneClinic’s personnel had the pleasure of spending a relaxing company recreation day on the shores of Lake Saimaa in Rantasalmi – Nature Hotel & Spa Resort Järvisydän, to be more precise. The purpose of the day was to relax after a busy winter, recharge batteries for future projects, get to know each other in the fast-growing team, and weld the staff even closer together.

At the same time, the whole team was able to talk about how to further develop OneClinic’s activities.

With a lighthearted and free-choice programme, the recreation day was much appreciated. It was considered particularly important and useful that those who had recently joined OneClinic’s team were also involved in the company’s recreation day.

We manage. You care.

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